Xylon: Welcome back everyone for the second post of our fantastic wonderful spendiferous Blog me and Aris run here. Well if you didn't know It is now Midnight Which makes it officially July 1st which means it's CANADA DAY, so yeah we thought it would be a great idea, to cover everybody's favorite Candian Superteam! ALPHA FLIGHT!!!! (Twilight zone-y sound effect where you here ight ight ight here) So staring of this discussion I'll give Aris the question, where did you first find these characters and what is it that makes them interesting?
Aris: Are they obscure? Lol. Maybe I am old. They were the shizzle when I was younger. Byrne/Claremont introduced them in the X-men and launched them into a great series. These were Byrne's babies. I hate to admit I loved them. And for a while they were a great, somewhat offbeat part of the Marvel U, but early in the 90's they fell apart.
At some point they created some really stupid characters. Some guy with shovel hands and then redesigns for Sasquatch that I can't believe got past smart creative folks in Marvel Editorial.
Then the brief relaunch as part of the Civil War borne Marvel Comics Presents. Vastly inferior to Bryne's vision and uninspired.
You got me ranting. But I loved the original concept and execution and they even had a great two parter during the whole X-men-New Mutants/Asgard Saga. It was wonderful. Drawn by a fave of mine Paul Smith.
The first 24 issues of Byrne's series are legendary. I haven't read them in some time. But full of great drama and action.
Xylon:I don't know i love Byrne's run, but Omega Flight was good Oeming really did something there. It was definitely better than the reboot just three four year's before that. what wasn't good about Omega Flight to you?
Aris: It just felt like it was forced. Byrne was inspired. And also was pretty much at the height of his craft. Nothing about Anything after had that upmh. And the characters themselves were either nor written well. Or. Forced into storylines and to interact with characters in a contrived way.
You can say it's all contrived. Maybe. But it should be written in a way that seems organic. And then the art. Well. Not really the best. As I remember it the coloring was particularly wrong.
Xylon: Haha I liked that book actually. The only thing i really hated was that there seemed to be not enough original alpha flight stories for there to be a changing of the guard. Don't know why they got killed, the characters were just fodder which is sad. Do you think these guys don't get real story because the majority of the market is American?
Aris: No. Not at all. One day we can talk about the sesnibilities of the fanboy. But in general we all just want goo stories with good art. Alpha Flight is kinda like Doom Patrol or Outsiders. You need to create a niche. Bryne did that. You had the Super-hero soap opera of the X-men, off-beat mythology, and weirdness.
I mean think of the original team Aurora, Northstar, Shaman, Sasquatch (I still can't get over that ridiculous redesign), Vindicator, and Snowbird. That was a curious bunch of characters. Throw in Box, Marina, Puck and others and you have a really interesting, diverse, crazy group.
There are definite possibilities. Come to think of it. The guys doing Thrunderbolts now. Parker and Walker could nail Alpha Flight.
Xylon: I think that too, but that's because Jeff Parker is amazing with obscure characters. At the same time I feel like Alpha flight is really intriguing idea especially if they broke from there status as a govt. entity and became free agents. What is your dream team, if Parker was to do this?
Aris: What other team is there? Vindicator, Shaman (Talisman(She takes her dads place-but he's still around)), Northstar and Aurora, Puck, Box (Jeffries), Snowbird, Marina and Sasquatch. And you can work from there.
You have to have a Beta and Gamma Flight and start some huge Mythical Meta arc, while building up the villains and craziness. I don't mind them involved or subsidized by the Government.
I would love to see it drawn by Walker...or Wes Craig. The thing is you can get them involved in the Marvel U, but give them their own voice. Like the X-men or Defenders maybe but different. With me "eh".
Xylon: I don't know i think it would almost be fun to see some people leading the other teams, and have a story where The original shaman gets attacked by a council of dark sorcerers and stuff, there fore bringing an urgency to the story and a reason for them to all be there. I also had a great idea for Beta flight. It would be lead by Batroc's illegitimate French-Canadian son. Haha you know that is comic gold. I would like to see them be more like Canada's Avengers rather Than Canada's super-team i need the best of the best there to be interested. Can you see an ongoing holding water in the industry?
Aris: I am not sure most books can carry an ongoing. I mean sales go south real quick. But that's for another discussion.
Sure. Why not? Follow the Simone/Scott model from Secret Six. Build over time and keep it interesting. I would give it a shot.
LOL. I like the idea about Batroc. Although..he needs his own mini. Want to read my treatment and script to issue one?
Xylon: Yes please because i very much hold his son dear to my heart. :)
Aris: Oh I will.
If you never read the Alpha Flight/X-men Asgardian Saga two parter I highly recommend it. And that goes to every one else to!!!
Xylon: I did read that. I like Asqard stories honestly. Here's a question, how do you feel about Michael Pointer as the Guardian?
Aris: Nope. Don't like that at all. I think there should have been a major storyline with him. It was anti-climatic. It has to be some one essential and related to the other characters. The team family thing.
i don't think you really have to go to the original characters. Just the idea and move from there. Show reverence to what came before, jettison the crap..like the wedge handed dope an...and write good stories. Give it a chance to build and resonate over time.
I think a lot of books start coming out of an event with promise...and then sales peter to around 20k and get bounced. I understand that's the industry now. But with a little investment you go a long way with fans.
Xylon: My greatest story with Alpha Flight would be one of creating a brave new world with alpha flight as the trailblazers. My team would be Batroc II, Hellcat, Shaman(Talisman), Vindicator, Puck( wolverine's illegitimate son from the savage land) and Sasquatch.If I were to have them affiliated with the Canadian govt. then i would make their whole job to run defense of the country. And if they are govt. funded they should have the best tech. The first story could be the resurrection of Marina, i love her.
Aris: And it could be an excuse to have Namor around for a while too!!! good stuff.
I am certain since you brought them up. Alpha Flight will be showing up any moment now...3..2..1..
Xylon: Hahah well any other things you think should be covered, guy?
Aris: I think you have to do the Mythic gods of the Tundra at least once. Maybe show what they did during the God War thing during Secret Invasion and how that changed them. Maybe that's the whole reason they get together to heal those gods who went crazy and are intent on covering the world in white. Then they have a throw down with thh Avengers. Stark needs Jeffries. But he doesn't like that Capitalist s#$^bag. And they have a big fight. And Doom ends up getting away with a weapon or toy of some sort. Wolverine comes to town to see the sights and uncovers some crazy scheme by the some ex-Weapon X guys. I could go on and on. Just have fun. Give them their own voice but cement them in the marvel U.
Xylon: Alright Guys, thanks for reading again. Please Follow Us Tweet Us. Show some love, eh? Due to some Huge Controversy over Wonder Woman's new costume as well as her new retcon(which is **** btws) we will being doing a large discussion on Comics Greatest Woman Join us soon for our next post, this has been, Two Guys Venting On Infinite Earths!
Aris: Take care of your selves , eh?
Aris: Are they obscure? Lol. Maybe I am old. They were the shizzle when I was younger. Byrne/Claremont introduced them in the X-men and launched them into a great series. These were Byrne's babies. I hate to admit I loved them. And for a while they were a great, somewhat offbeat part of the Marvel U, but early in the 90's they fell apart.
At some point they created some really stupid characters. Some guy with shovel hands and then redesigns for Sasquatch that I can't believe got past smart creative folks in Marvel Editorial.
Then the brief relaunch as part of the Civil War borne Marvel Comics Presents. Vastly inferior to Bryne's vision and uninspired.
You got me ranting. But I loved the original concept and execution and they even had a great two parter during the whole X-men-New Mutants/Asgard Saga. It was wonderful. Drawn by a fave of mine Paul Smith.
The first 24 issues of Byrne's series are legendary. I haven't read them in some time. But full of great drama and action.
Xylon:I don't know i love Byrne's run, but Omega Flight was good Oeming really did something there. It was definitely better than the reboot just three four year's before that. what wasn't good about Omega Flight to you?
Aris: It just felt like it was forced. Byrne was inspired. And also was pretty much at the height of his craft. Nothing about Anything after had that upmh. And the characters themselves were either nor written well. Or. Forced into storylines and to interact with characters in a contrived way.
You can say it's all contrived. Maybe. But it should be written in a way that seems organic. And then the art. Well. Not really the best. As I remember it the coloring was particularly wrong.
Xylon: Haha I liked that book actually. The only thing i really hated was that there seemed to be not enough original alpha flight stories for there to be a changing of the guard. Don't know why they got killed, the characters were just fodder which is sad. Do you think these guys don't get real story because the majority of the market is American?
Aris: No. Not at all. One day we can talk about the sesnibilities of the fanboy. But in general we all just want goo stories with good art. Alpha Flight is kinda like Doom Patrol or Outsiders. You need to create a niche. Bryne did that. You had the Super-hero soap opera of the X-men, off-beat mythology, and weirdness.
I mean think of the original team Aurora, Northstar, Shaman, Sasquatch (I still can't get over that ridiculous redesign), Vindicator, and Snowbird. That was a curious bunch of characters. Throw in Box, Marina, Puck and others and you have a really interesting, diverse, crazy group.
There are definite possibilities. Come to think of it. The guys doing Thrunderbolts now. Parker and Walker could nail Alpha Flight.
Xylon: I think that too, but that's because Jeff Parker is amazing with obscure characters. At the same time I feel like Alpha flight is really intriguing idea especially if they broke from there status as a govt. entity and became free agents. What is your dream team, if Parker was to do this?
Aris: What other team is there? Vindicator, Shaman (Talisman(She takes her dads place-but he's still around)), Northstar and Aurora, Puck, Box (Jeffries), Snowbird, Marina and Sasquatch. And you can work from there.
You have to have a Beta and Gamma Flight and start some huge Mythical Meta arc, while building up the villains and craziness. I don't mind them involved or subsidized by the Government.
I would love to see it drawn by Walker...or Wes Craig. The thing is you can get them involved in the Marvel U, but give them their own voice. Like the X-men or Defenders maybe but different. With me "eh".
Xylon: I don't know i think it would almost be fun to see some people leading the other teams, and have a story where The original shaman gets attacked by a council of dark sorcerers and stuff, there fore bringing an urgency to the story and a reason for them to all be there. I also had a great idea for Beta flight. It would be lead by Batroc's illegitimate French-Canadian son. Haha you know that is comic gold. I would like to see them be more like Canada's Avengers rather Than Canada's super-team i need the best of the best there to be interested. Can you see an ongoing holding water in the industry?
Aris: I am not sure most books can carry an ongoing. I mean sales go south real quick. But that's for another discussion.
Sure. Why not? Follow the Simone/Scott model from Secret Six. Build over time and keep it interesting. I would give it a shot.
LOL. I like the idea about Batroc. Although..he needs his own mini. Want to read my treatment and script to issue one?
Xylon: Yes please because i very much hold his son dear to my heart. :)
Aris: Oh I will.
If you never read the Alpha Flight/X-men Asgardian Saga two parter I highly recommend it. And that goes to every one else to!!!
Xylon: I did read that. I like Asqard stories honestly. Here's a question, how do you feel about Michael Pointer as the Guardian?
Aris: Nope. Don't like that at all. I think there should have been a major storyline with him. It was anti-climatic. It has to be some one essential and related to the other characters. The team family thing.
i don't think you really have to go to the original characters. Just the idea and move from there. Show reverence to what came before, jettison the crap..like the wedge handed dope an...and write good stories. Give it a chance to build and resonate over time.
I think a lot of books start coming out of an event with promise...and then sales peter to around 20k and get bounced. I understand that's the industry now. But with a little investment you go a long way with fans.
Xylon: My greatest story with Alpha Flight would be one of creating a brave new world with alpha flight as the trailblazers. My team would be Batroc II, Hellcat, Shaman(Talisman), Vindicator, Puck( wolverine's illegitimate son from the savage land) and Sasquatch.If I were to have them affiliated with the Canadian govt. then i would make their whole job to run defense of the country. And if they are govt. funded they should have the best tech. The first story could be the resurrection of Marina, i love her.
Aris: And it could be an excuse to have Namor around for a while too!!! good stuff.
I am certain since you brought them up. Alpha Flight will be showing up any moment now...3..2..1..
Xylon: Hahah well any other things you think should be covered, guy?
Aris: I think you have to do the Mythic gods of the Tundra at least once. Maybe show what they did during the God War thing during Secret Invasion and how that changed them. Maybe that's the whole reason they get together to heal those gods who went crazy and are intent on covering the world in white. Then they have a throw down with thh Avengers. Stark needs Jeffries. But he doesn't like that Capitalist s#$^bag. And they have a big fight. And Doom ends up getting away with a weapon or toy of some sort. Wolverine comes to town to see the sights and uncovers some crazy scheme by the some ex-Weapon X guys. I could go on and on. Just have fun. Give them their own voice but cement them in the marvel U.
Xylon: Alright Guys, thanks for reading again. Please Follow Us Tweet Us. Show some love, eh? Due to some Huge Controversy over Wonder Woman's new costume as well as her new retcon(which is **** btws) we will being doing a large discussion on Comics Greatest Woman Join us soon for our next post, this has been, Two Guys Venting On Infinite Earths!
Aris: Take care of your selves , eh?