Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ask a Question, Get an Answer Week #2

Weekly feature where me and Xylon ask a question and we look to fandom and pros for answers. Stay tuned, every now and then you may see a familiar name.

Question of the week: Would you buy 128 page black and white newsprint anthologies of new comics (not reprints) from Marvel and DC for $7.99?


Stephan Ganschow: No...probably not. I would if it was say...$2.50 though!

Xylon Otterburn: Why yes I would.

John Carroll: From Marvel, Probably not. From DC...Hell's Yeah!

Aris: I would definitely pick it up. Then again I'm a comic book Mikey...I'll buy anything.

Hank Cannon: Hell Yes I would buy it!

Marc Deering: Yep:

Russell Hillman: Depends how interested I am in the content. I'd give it a go, definitely.

Todd Gross: I think it would depend on the content and creators involved. I really don't see top talent being on a book like this for very long, if at all. If nothing else, it would be a great place to break in new and up-&-coming talent. I don't see it staying for the run though.

Steve Higgins: Yes I would.

I appreciate all the folks on Facebook that responded, next week we will run an Olivia Munn question...just kidding...maybe not...nom nom nom...


  1. I know you guys hit DC last week with Wonder Woman but I'm dying to know what you think of the appearance of Death of the Endless in Action Comics.

  2. we hit the hulkn in between so we can talk about death next so yep, we'll get it done.

  3. Thanks for giving us a chance JW. I really appreciate it.


  4. oh and we should do an olivia munn question i love her and she is on the daily show now
