Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hulk of Earth-616! Strongest Post There Is Edition!

Xylon: So hey guys, welcome to another discussion about Comics and why we keep coming back. This time Aris and I are talking about one of the greatest Comic Characters of all times, and it's because he isn't a hero or a villain, he has been both and never truly takes either role, his power is his only downfall. As you all know there is a book called hulk nowadays, it's not what it used to be or could be. Hulk is a book I haven't been able to get into lately but is definitely one of my favorite characters? What do you find intriguing about Banner?

Aris: To get it out of the way...the best Hulk is the "Hulk Smash!". Everything else is just waiting until the smashing can begin. I love Hulk. He's always been a fave of mine.

Banner to me is most interesting as the drifter. Trying to escape his inescapable rage. It not only destroys buildings but his relationships.

Xylon: His relationships always end up sucking bad. What other hulk's do you like. Smart Hulk is okay. But I love Maestro a lot. And Red Hulk is one of the worst things that's ever happened to the funny books. Period.

Aris: I really prefer the savage Hulk. I like the idea of Banner trying to hide away finding villainy or people in need and raging out to save everyone yet still being perceived as a monster and hunted. I love it too when he is forced into conflict with others when he simply wants to be left alone.

The Red Hulk is fine. Loeb is telling his story in one book. I don't mind. Loebs style isn't for everyone. I agree in this case its kinda dumb and waaaaay to long.

I think you have to kind of isolate it from the Marvel U. And its certainly better then vampire crap in the X-men.

Xylon: Agreed, My only savage hulk story was a nick fury story I wanted to tell. I wanted a story where Nick Fury created a controlled stimulant which kept Banner from Hulking out. And in return he employs Banner as a scientist who goes and fixes problems for S.H.I.E.L.D. The truth is, Fury would create these small problems for banner to fix, near Hydra and other bad guy bases. He would trade banners stimulant with a placebo before the trip and Banner would end up destroying Fury's targets all under the guise of a happy accident. IT was a rough concept but i could turn it into a really great six issue story. But that's what I really like about the character. He is never a hero, always a monster. and yet sometimes he does good things. I like that. How do you like Mr. Fixit?

Aris: I like it. Would bw great for a Secret Warriors arc.

I like MR. Fix It. You can do great stuff with that personality. Peter DAvid did some great work with him.

My favorite hulk apoearances are Marvel Fanfare #47, fantastc four #25 and 26, avengers#3, Hulk #251, 254, 258, 300, 316, the whole David/keown run. He's agreat character.

Xylon: Haha yes he is, now i feel like this is the only character, where we can talk about his incredibly different versions. Fixit is a great character, but at the same time is basically Ben Grimm. So we don't like Red Hulk all that much but we like Mr. Fixit. One of my all time favorite Hulk Stories is Future Imperfect and that story with Maestro that came after it. What is your opinion on that story in particular?

Aris: I don't agree. Ben is not mean spirited or self indulgent which Fixit is in spades. Ben is your grumpy good heated uncle.

I loved future imperfect too. My fave hulk story is the Byrne run. Hulk is just a wild destructive machine and the Marvel U needs to figure out how to stop him..or the David/Keown Dark Matter arc. Which got the Original Defenders together to take on a demon from outside the Universe.

I would love to write the Hulk.

Xylon: As would I. I feel like FI was the first story where we saw a future where the good guys lost,very much a precursor to Old Man Logan, it also solidified in my mind, that this guy is a problem if he wants to be. Hulk stories always make me think of the fact that he is the poster boy for a life ruined by powers, Spidey got a good deal, cap got a good deal, Banner got screwed. What is your Hulk story?

Aris: Ruined. Yeah. But he should be on that journey to control the monster within. Is tragic, because he can't. He can't deny what he is. An emotional wreck at some level. Broken

You can play with that. Even the multiple Hulks based on personality. Including an evil Hulk. The savage hulk should should be the saviour. That's the paradox or irony. As monstrous as Hulk is mankind owes him the ultimate debt.

If I wrote Hulk I would spend a few years taking the savage one and Banner on the run and into conflct with the world around him. Get the Hulk Busters back in action and re-establish some villains.

I would definately throw a horror element in since Hulk has the ability to see ghosts and ethereally.

And id do the obligatory Hulk/Thing fight, have him Kick Thor's ass and probably hang out with some bizarre Marvel characters.

Xylon: Hulk vs. Thanos would be incredible. So if Hulk is strongest one there is, whoi can actually go toe to toe with him?

Aris: Only Thor and Hercules. Juggy. And possibly win. Any one else would be a stretch in my mind...ok...and Gilgamesh.
After that your not in the same league. Hulk is just that strong. Guys Like Abomination or Ironclad or Namor can fight him for awhile but Hulk quickly escalates in raw power and savagery beyond their ability to handle.

Thanos and cosmic characters are another matter.

Xylon: I think Thanos and Ikaris could do well, maybe. And then there is one of my favorite characters, who when written the way Morrison intended is pretty much unbeatable. Marvel Boy is triple jointed and has explosive nails, a healing factor, kree technology and can white run. Hulk would have problems with all that.

Aris: I don't know. Hulk is Hulk. That singular statement of fact is all you need to know about how impossible it is to defeat him.

Bur of course brute strength isn't everything. But that's not all Hulk is. He ia generally Hulking out for the right reason. That's important in writing him.

Ikaris could hurt Hulk, but as a rule doesn't have access to enough raw power to defeat Hulk. Unless your a Herald or Thanos it will be an effort in futility to fight Hulk. You would need to defeat him another way.

Xylon: That's why it's funny that banner is smart enough to do anything but stop himself.

Aris:Yes. Maybe subconsciously he enjoys the naked rage and raw power. Fun stuff to play with.

I have really enjoyed the work Pak and Van Lente are doing with Hercules. But since Loeb is off doing 80's era comics with all sorts of Hulks. Marvel needs to get a proper Hulk book out.

He is missed...

Xylon: I think you know all about Maestro in Avengers right? I just want him to walk up to red hulk and kill him right there just kill him. The LMD stuff is ridiculous. I can't read Loeb that guy just phones it in. What do you think of the two new She-hulks, Betty as red is an okay idea, and i like the daughter. But in my honest opinion i wish they would have went with Cho's original red she hulk design because it was sleek and bad-ass. I hate the tattered jacket as well.

Aris: Well its silly in the way many comics cliches are silly, especially in this case where Loeb is pushing the limits of comic rationality.

I don't like any of it actually. But let Loeb write his story. Ill wait until Hulk is reintroduced to the Marvel Universe properly.

A-Bomb really pisses me does the Thundra reject.Still I did really like Loebs Defenders /Offenders arc. It was very classic and perfectly captured the spirit of the "taken out if time to battle your greatest enemies to save the universe" cliche. I loved it.

This long drawn out Rulk stuff. I hate.

Xylon: I want Slott and Pham on Hulk. It would be great. A-Bomb does something terrible to one of the most important characters in the marvel u. ever. I hate Loeb, and I want a good defenders story, but I mean The order was close. And speaking of Pham, what do you make of the upcoming Chaos War. Who is Hiro-Kala?

Aris: What? Don't tell me your still sore Rulk gave Uatu a black eye?


Hiro-kala is Hulk's "other" son from the Planet Hulk story. Kinda like an angry Air-bender. Planet Hulk is overrated as far as I am concerned...many people liked it. But it didn't resonate for me. I liked the idea of the Illuminati sending Hulk ibto space. But it was executed poorly.

I loved WWH though. Although om not sure I liked th event as much as the issues of the Incredible Hulk. Which were written very well.

As for Chaos War. I'm really excited about it. Sounds like an amazing story. I read the CBR interview with Pak/Van Lente. It really could be amazing.

Xylon: I am very sore about that actually. I loved Planet Hulk and I know who Hiro is but why? why does this kid exist, what significance is he gonna hold over Hulk in the coming years, and why doesn't he "hulk" out? Pham's art is gonna be amazing on this, I hope this kills Rulk. :)

Aris: I hope they Kill Hiro. Seems about as silly as Red Hulk to me. Planet Hulk should have a definitive end which should have been WWH.

The significance will ultimately be a contrived one because there is no emotional connection to the character. Which is the opposite of Amadeus Cho who has grown becauase of investment by a creative team, readers and time.

Pham as grown leaps and bounds since Mighty Avengers. The preview art for Chaos War looks amazing.

have you seen the Hulk vs animated movies? I highly recommend everybody download or rent them!

Xylon: WWH was silly too, because those guys shouldn't be able to be in the same room anymore. T-Bolt ross can die. Hiro could die. I like Skaar. A-Bomb will be forgotten or i will cry. :( The only good thing that came from WWH was Incredible Herc. And of course Amadeus! I am a huge fan of Amadeus Cho, like i would write a mini with him any day. Th hulk vs movies were good, not tooo keen on the animation but still, they were well written.

I want Hulk to be on an Avengers team.

Aris: I think they were fun. As done in one stories they were really good.

Cho is awesome. I'm not a big fan of the Prince of Power angle...but it sure is fun to read.

It will be fun to see him and Hulk meet now.

No comments on Hulk's sexy cousin She-hulk?

Xylon: Where do we start with Jen, I mean she will one day hold her own full post from us I'm sure, but oh my god, she is amazing and everything a female superhero should be, she is smart funnn6y, strong and Independent. At the same time I wish she were more on the front lines, she isn't on a team, she should be doing things. she doesn't even have her own book. I think they were fun. As done in one stories they were really good.

Aris: Lol. Before I turn this into a fanfic porn essay, we can end on that note.
Xylon: All righty then everybody, that was productive conversation about the jolly green giant right up until the very end. ;) Follow, Share and Tweet us. Catch you with the next post! Cheers!


  1. I always felt the Hulk should be treated like the Godzilla of Marvel. You don't see him for months, then all of a sudden, "Holy Sh#t, the Hulk is coming! What are we gonna do? Call the Avengers! Call the FF! Call everyone!" Make every Hulk appearance an event, but make every one of them unique. The less we see of him, makes every appearance more meaningful. And I still think Hulk can kick Doomsday's ass.

  2. I agree, but it has to be part of the Hulk ongoing series. I think you can balance it. And every year or so, boom they Hulk Busters or Heroes or military find him and it's a big to do.

    He is very much like Godzilla. He shows up and things go very bad and he needs to be stopped. The difference is no one realized he saved their asses in teh process. And if you just leave him a lone he will go away and he just wants to be left alone.
